/\  Semaphor


Stacked Chart

Learn how to create a stacked chart in Semaphor

Stacked Bar Chart

You can generate a stacked line, bar, or area chart using the following query structure.

  • The first column (categorical or time-based) is mapped to the x-axis.
  • The second column (categorical) values form a stack.
  • The third column (numerical) represents a metric.
Card SQL
  TO_CHAR(DATE_TRUNC('month', order_date), 'MM-YYYY') AS month, -- x-axis
  category, -- stack-by
  COUNT(*) AS number_of_orders -- y-axis (number)
  month, category
  month, category;
| Month   | Category        | Number of Orders |
| ------- | --------------- | ---------------- |
| 01-2020 | Furniture       | 22               |
| 01-2020 | Office Supplies | 45               |
| 01-2020 | Technology      | 22               |
| 01-2021 | Furniture       | 24               |
| 01-2021 | Office Supplies | 100              |
| 01-2021 | Technology      | 31               |
| 01-2022 | Furniture       | 15               |


Stacked Line Chart

You can convert the above chart into a stacked line by modifying the dataset.type in the config as highlighted below.

Chart Config
 "datasets": [
    "type": "line", // change to line type
    "label": "Furniture",
    "data": [],
    "backgroundColor": "#3b82f6",
    "borderColor": "#3b82f6"
    "type": "line", // change to line type
    "label": "Office Supplies",
    "data": [],
    "backgroundColor": "#14b8a6",
    "borderColor": "#14b8a6"
    "type": "line", // change to line type
    "label": "Technology",
    "data": [],
    "backgroundColor": "#f59e0b",
    "borderColor": "#f59e0b"


Stacked Area Chart

Similarly, you can convert the above chart into an area chart by providing the fill property as highlighted below.

Chart Config
"datasets": [
    "type": "line", // change to line type
    "fill": "origin", // fill the area under the line
    "label": "Furniture",
    "data": [],
    "backgroundColor": "#3b82f6",
    "borderColor": "#3b82f6"
    "type": "line", // change to line type
    "fill": "origin", // fill the area under the line
    "label": "Office Supplies",
    "data": [],
    "backgroundColor": "#14b8a6",
    "borderColor": "#14b8a6"
    "type": "line", // change to line type
    "fill": "origin", // fill the area under the line
    "label": "Technology",
    "data": [],
    "backgroundColor": "#f59e0b",
    "borderColor": "#f59e0b"


Stacked Combo Chart

To create a stacked combo chart with dual axis, you'll need to structure your query as shown below.

SELECT segment,
COUNT(*) as L1,
AVG(quantity) as L2,
AVG(profit) as L3,
Avg(sales) as B1,
AVG(revenue) as B2,
AVG(cost) as B3
FROM sales_data
GROUP BY segment
| Segment     | L1  | L2  | L3  | B1  | B2  | B3  |
| ----------- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Home Office | 38  | 38  | 343 | 5   | 4   | 34  |
| Corporate   | 63  | 39  | 166 | 8   | 4   | 17  |
| Consumer    | 117 | 37  | 204 | 16  | 4   | 20  |

The columns L1, L2, and L3 will be displayed as lines, while B1, B2, and B3 will be shown as stacked bars. We'll start by creating a basic bar chart and then modify it step by step.


Step 1 - Bars to Lines

Convert L1, L2, L3 columns into lines by changing the dataset type in the Y-axis settings.


Step 2 - Stack the Bars

And then stack the the bars by setting stacked property to true for both x (options.scales.x) and y (options.scales.y) axes in the chart config.

Chart Config
"scales": {
   "y": {
    "stacked": true
   "x": {
    "stacked": true


Step 3 - Dual Axis

You can further customize the chart by adding a secondary y-axis y1 for the lines

Chart Config
"y": {
"y1": {
    "type": "linear",
    "display": true,
    "position": "right",
    "grid": {
     "drawOnChartArea": false

And then assign the y1 axis to the lines by setting the yAxisID property in the dataset config like this:

Chart Config
"datasets": [
    "label": "L1",
     "yAxisID": "y1"
    "label": "L2",
     "yAxisID": "y1"
    "label": "L3",
     "yAxisID": "y1"

See the docs for more details.


Step 4 - Axis Range

In some instances you might want to have different ranges for your y-axes. You can set this range by setting the min and max properties in the chart config.

Chart Config
"y1": {
  "min": 0,
  "max": 120


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