/\  Semaphor

Google BigQuery

Connect Semaphor to your Google BigQuery instance

Connecting to Google BigQuery

To connect Semaphor to your Google BigQuery database, you need to use the following connection string format:

Connection String Format

Connection String
  • project: Your Google project
  • dataset: Dataset name


In addition to the connection string, you will also need a service account key (key.json). You can follow the below tutorial to generate a service account key.

Service Account Permissions

The service account must have the following permissions:

  • bigquery.datasets.get – Allows listing datasets in the project.
  • bigquery.datasets.list – Allows listing datasets the user has access to.
  • bigquery.projects.get – Allows getting project metadata.

Network Access

  • Ensure that your Google Cloud project allows external connections to BigQuery.
  • If your organization has firewall rules, ensure that Semaphor is allowed to access BigQuery.

Other Requirements

  • Your Google Cloud project must have BigQuery API enabled.
  • The service account key (key.json) must be accessible to Semaphor.

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